Monday, March 14, 2011

The Essentials Of The Bible: Part 97 -- God Judges And Restores The People – Hosea: Prophet For Israel Ancient And Modern Day

The LORD had made a promise to Abraham that through him, He would make a great nation and through him, all of the families of the earth would be blessed (Genesis 12: 1-3).  Those blessings to the world would be the birth of the Savior Jesus Christ and the blessings to the world through the modern nations that claim the God of Israel.  In our modern world, freedom and the blessing of capital wealth have spread throughout the world from the United States and the United Kingdom.  When Jacob, whose name was changed to Israel, blessed his grandson’s, Joseph’s two sons, Ephraim and Manasseh; he blessed the younger (Ephraim) with a greater blessing, to become a multitude or Commonwealth of Nations; and the older (Manasseh) to be a great nation (Genesis 48:17-20).  Many today believe that no two brother nations could fulfill this prophecy more completely than the United States and the United Kingdom of Great Britain.  SEE PART 83 OF THIS SERIERS AT

After the reign of King Hezekiah of Judah and King Hoshea of Israel, the combined people of the Southern and Northern Kingdoms of Israel were taken captive by the Babylonians and little by little dispersed north and west into what is today, western Europe.  This migration of the “Jewish People,” was called the Diaspora.

“The Diaspora is commonly accepted to have begun with the 8th–6th century BC conquests of the ancient kingdoms of Israel and Judah, destruction of the First Temple (c.586 BC), and expulsion of the population, and is also associated with the destruction of the Second Temple and aftermath of the Bar Kokhba revolt during the Roman occupation of Judea in the 1st and 2nd centuries AD.”     Wikipedia

“Some may apply this to Israel in Diaspora, but it is to be noted that the children of Israel in Diaspora were called 'Jews'. It seems rather trite to say that in Diaspora they would not have a king, because, of course ruled by others in all the nations they would not have a king.”  Says author Henriksen at

It will give a more personal and contemporary connection to the readers of this blog who live in the nations of Western Europe, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and its former Commonwealth Nations of Canada, United States and Australia.

There are many books written about Hosea the prophet of God.  The instructions given to him by the LORD were unusual and beyond the comprehension of the average man.  The LORD instructed Hose to go to the “Red Light District,” and find a prostitute and marry her.  The LORD’s reason was to show Israel what she had become to Him.  From Solomon on, the people constantly went a whoring after pagan gods in direct disobedience to the Eternal, the Holy One of Israel; the LORD.  Some of Hosea’s children would be conceived from his wife’s prostitution.

Hosea 1:2 NLT When the Lord first began speaking to Israel through Hosea, he said to him, “Go and marry a prostitute, so that some of her children will be conceived in prostitution. This will illustrate how Israel has acted like a prostitute by turning against the Lord and worshiping other gods.”

Hosea married a woman named Gomer and she gave him a son.  The LORD said “Name the child Jezreel, for I am about to punish King Jehu’s dynasty to avenge the murders he committed at Jezreel. In fact, I will bring an end to Israel’s independence. (5) I will break its military power in the Jezreel Valley.”  Hosea 1:4-5 NLT
A daughter was then born and the LORD said to Hosea, “Name your daughter Lo-ruhamah—‘Not loved’for I will no longer show love to the people of Israel or forgive them. (7) But I will show love to the people of Judah. I will free them from their enemies—not with weapons and armies or horses and charioteers, but by my power as the Lord their God.”   Hosea 1:6-7 NLT

Then a second son was born and the LORD said, “Name him Lo-ammi— ‘Not my people’ —for Israel is not my people, and I am not their God.   Hosea 1:9

The three children born to Gomer represented the LORD’s feelings about Israel and Hosea was basically in the same position as the LORD.

Avenge Jezreel 1st born son
Not Loved 2nd born, a daughter
Not my people 3rd born a son

The LORD spoke a prophecy of His love.  Even though the LORD claimed that Israel was no longer His people; they would still carry Abraham’s blessing and they would multiply so that no one could count them.  That never happened in Biblical history.  They would also be united as one nation and again that has not happened.

Hosea 1:10-11 CEV Someday it will be impossible to count the people of Israel, because there will be as many of them as there are grains of sand along the seashore. They are now called "Not My People," but in the future they will be called "Children of the Living God."  (11)  Israel and Judah will unite and choose one leader. Then they will take back their land, and this will be a great day for Jezreel.

Hosea’s wife Gomer could not stay faithful to him, just as Israel could not stay faithful to the LORD.  She left Hosea and went back to the “Red Light District,” and the LORD instructed Hosea to go and find her.  Hosea was told to buy her back and love her again, just as the LORD ransomed Israel again.  She was bought again for fifteen pieces of silver, five bushels of barley and a measure of wine.  The LORD told Hosea that she was not to be intimate with anyone; not her prostitution clients and not Hosea.  This was to represent the long time that Israel would go without a King.  Then in the last days (the time just before the second coming of Jesus Christ) the people would return to the LORD and tremble in awe at His goodness.

Hosea  3:1-5 NLT Then the Lord said to me, “Go and love your wife again, even though she  commits adultery with another lover. This will illustrate that the Lord still loves Israel, even though the people have turned to other gods and love to worship them.”  (2) So I bought her back for fifteen pieces of silver and five bushels of barley and a measure of wine. (3) Then I said to her, “You must live in my house for many days and stop your prostitution. During this time, you will not have sexual relations with anyone, not even with me” (4) This shows that Israel will go a long time without a king or prince, and without sacrifices, sacred pillars, priests or even idols! (5) But afterward the people will return and devote themselves to the Lord their God and to David’s descendant, their king.  In the last days, they will tremble in awe of the Lord and of his goodness.

The rest of Hosea’s message are detailed charges the LORD had against Israel as an unfaithful wife;
The LORD’s faithful love for unfaithful Israel;
Charges against the leaders of Israel for their failures;
A call to repentance;
Evidence of Israel’s love for wickedness;
Israel would plead with the LORD but it is too late;
The LORD’s punishment of captivity by the pagan nations;
Judgment against Israel for their idolatry
The LORD’s love for Israel

Hosea 11:9-12 CEV Israel, I won't lose my temper and destroy you again. I am the Holy God-- not merely some human, and I won't stay angry.  (10)  I, the LORD, will roar like a lion, and my children will return, trembling from the west.  (11)  They will come back, fluttering like birds from Egypt or like doves from Assyria. Then I will bring them back to their homes. I, the LORD, have spoken!  (12)  Israel is deceitful to me, their loyal and holy God; they surround me with lies, and Judah worships other gods.

Israel is crafty and arrogant
The Lord’s anger is kindled against Israel
Healing for the repentant

Hosea 14:1-2 CEV Israel, return! Come back to the LORD, your God. Sin has made you fall.  (2)  Return to the LORD and say, "Please forgive our sins. Accept our good sacrifices of praise instead of bulls.

Hosea 14:8-9 CEV Israel, give up your idols! I will answer your prayers and take care of you. I am that glorious tree, the source of your fruit.  (9)  If you are wise, you will know and understand what I mean. I am the LORD, and I lead you along the right path. If you obey me, we will walk together, but if you are wicked, you will stumble.

The LORD’s message through His prophet Hosea is as much for our nation today, as it was for ancient Israel.  We have become an arrogant people who mock the LORD.  We take credit for the good things of life and refuse to consider that they are blessings as a promise to Abraham.  We ignore the LORD and pay Him lip service and not very much of that either.  Every where in the message of Hosea, the name Israel could be replaced with the US, UK or any nation of western Europe that worships the God of Abraham.  The free Western World is captive to sin and the non Christian nations of Asia who have used our capitalism against us.  The U.S. and the U.K. have had the pride of their power broken.

Leviticus 26:17-21 KJV And I will set my face against you, and ye shall be slain before your enemies: they that hate you shall reign over you; and ye shall flee when none pursueth you.  (18)  And if ye will not yet for all this hearken unto me, then I will punish you seven times more for your sins.  (19)  And I will break the pride of your power; and I will make your heaven as iron, and your earth as brass:  (20)  And your strength shall be spent in vain: for your land shall not yield her increase, neither shall the trees of the land yield their fruits.  (21)  And if ye walk contrary unto me, and will not hearken unto me; I will bring seven times more plagues upon you according to your sins.

This message is a warning and testimony that each of us needs to take to heart because we are the LORD’s special people.

Prayer:  Heavenly Father help me to stay loyal to you and be a most faithful servant of the LORD and of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Copyright © 2006, 2011  Thomas C. Blake

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